The young man struggles on...
Well I was going to blog, but I have to pick up Emma.
Blog Later...
Ok I'm back now, I apologies for not continuing until today but I didn't get home until late last night. It was a really pleasant evening, I drove to pick Emma up and then headed for JJ's house in Thelnetham. We got there in about 20 minutes, then realised that we hadn't got a clue where his house was, so we spent another 30 minutes driving around winding country roads looking for anywhere that was remotely familiar. After several phone calls we got through to James and eventually succeeded in finding his house. The 3 of us just spent the evening drinking, chatting, playing cards and listening to music. It was a really good evening, and something different from just going down the pub.
What am I doing today? Well Will's coming over later to watch the rugby, which is different, I haven't done anything but gliding on weekends. I have to check if I have everything for the weekend, I really can't wait until Friday, it should be a great weekend even if it does rain everyday. Hopefully we'll see some snow up in the hills!
Blog Later...
Ok I'm back now, I apologies for not continuing until today but I didn't get home until late last night. It was a really pleasant evening, I drove to pick Emma up and then headed for JJ's house in Thelnetham. We got there in about 20 minutes, then realised that we hadn't got a clue where his house was, so we spent another 30 minutes driving around winding country roads looking for anywhere that was remotely familiar. After several phone calls we got through to James and eventually succeeded in finding his house. The 3 of us just spent the evening drinking, chatting, playing cards and listening to music. It was a really good evening, and something different from just going down the pub.
What am I doing today? Well Will's coming over later to watch the rugby, which is different, I haven't done anything but gliding on weekends. I have to check if I have everything for the weekend, I really can't wait until Friday, it should be a great weekend even if it does rain everyday. Hopefully we'll see some snow up in the hills!
Yes but only on a provisional lisence, Emma is a fantastic freind from cadets and rugby is a very manly game full of touching and groping.
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