Friday, February 04, 2005

Take me away to paradise...

I'm going to write now because I have nothing better to do, apart from several pieces of homework, but I'm just to tired and simply I can't be arsed!
Well today, Friday... Fridays have now become an annoying stain on my week, I have been reduced to staying in with my mother to catch up on homework as I go gliding on Saturdays and Sundays. At this precise moment my mother is curled up on the sofa watching TV with a tall glass of babysham, while I'm sat in my room with greenday playing at an 'unacceptable' level. I am surrounded by paper, folders and general stationary. Propped up in front of me is a sheet of paper listing the history topics I need to research; at this moment I am half way through the list and this is the fourth night I've tried to complete this tedious task.
Every now and again I open up my messenger window only to be disappointed that out of my 112 contacts only 4 are online and 2 are busy! I'm guessing that everyone is out, down the pub, with their mates, or getting laid! So I'm feeling rather neglected, oh well the weekend will be fun and I bloody hope the weather holds cause I need to get into the air, my solo can't come soon enough then I can stop getting up at 7:00am every weekend! Don't get me wrong I absolutely love the gliding school and everyone there, but its paralyzing my social life and I haven't been able to lie in past 8:00 for nearly a month now! Ah well Caz is going to be there maybe we'll get a bit more friendly... (I'm sure Alex will have a comment to make here)

If I think of anything to talk about I'll add it, but now I'm going to flick the TV on and watch a double bill of the Simpsons...


Blogger Frank.Carn talked to Frank...

hehe... Caz is just a friend from the gliding school, nothing more. It's just funny to read your comments Alex.

6:39 pm  

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