Monday, January 24, 2005

Running down corridors, through automatic doors...

I've just got in from cadets. We've had some good news for a change so we're all a bit more cheerful at home. School was alright today nothing special, wasn't the snow exciting kiddies!! Got to drive to ATC in the slush and ice that was fun! It wasn't a bad evening, did lots of ordering about tonight, but we got thing done. I was working on the website again, its going to be great once all our new stuffs updated. We got told about a planned trip to Australia, for summer 06. It sounded fantastic, just need to find £1300 before Christmas, I'm going to have to do a lot of thinking about it and what I want to do over the next couple of years!
Well I'm feeling better than I was last night... its amazing what one person can put you through and make you feel.

Night World...


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