Thursday, February 03, 2005

Fading like the stars we wish to be...

Sigh... Well its the end of another tiring day, (placing my empty mug onto my desk) I'm absolutely knakered. I haven't been sleeping properly for ages now and even at the weekends, the time of supposed relaxation, I have to get up at 7:00am to go gliding. Today I lost the ability to hold coherent conversations with people. I even said 'Hello' to Ashleigh when she left the room! I feel like I'm going crazy. I have so much work to do and there doesn't appear to be enough time in the day. I think Microsoft, through the format of msn messenger is sucking away time from our busy lives to feed Bill Gates' time machine. However when I do find time, today for example, I ended up having four frees, but I really can't get my head around the work and find myself doing something menial like playing shit-head! (its a card game for you toffs)
Well I've been at cadets tonight, and not an immensely stimulating evening. We've just been studying for our exams next month. I'm of on the first expedition of the year to the Peak District on the 18th. I'm really looking forward to it, it'll be great getting back on the hills, and a chance for more opportunitys for infamous cadet stories to be revealed or started. On this note the story of Adam, JJ, a sleeping bag and the phrase 'no hands' came up earlier and a few more people unaware of the incident, became slightly more educated/worried about the life and trials of a cadet.

Well I have a headache and need to try and get some sleep, so I will bid you good evening...


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