Saturday, October 08, 2005

While im young and while I'm able, All I wanna do is...

(start 18.31, 8/10/05)
Right this is going to be a bit of a catchup post... I've blogged quite a lot recently, but not about the things I've done just the things that have been troubling me, and my pitiful attempts at getting over them.
Right where do I start...?

Last week, probably a good start... On Saturday I went up to Hoington to do some shooting, it was a really good morning and I would have like to have spent the rest of the day there and got to play with those nice little L98's but that wasn't going to be as I had to get to town to by Claires presents. I came home with Claire when she finished work and we messed about until Will turned up and the three of us headed to Haynes' party. It was a good laugh actually, and possible the first time me and Claire had been out to a party together, it felt very nice to show her of and know I was one of the few guy there to be 'getting it' that night! hehe. I can't remember what I did Sunday, Oh yeh... Emma came over and spent the day at mine, it was great actually a chance to relax and chat and organize our D of E stuff, I ended taking her home bout 9.00pm 8 hours after she arrived. Cheers Em!

Monday was crappy as was just about everyday last week, nothing of consequence happened, other than upsetting Claire and being a general cunt, but I've spoken about all that crap in other posts. Wednesday was Claires birthday, it was awful in the morning' I was moody and I really upset her. She went home bout break time and I stayed at school. I went over after school to give her, her presents and a kiss and cuddle. It was excellent, we were both smiling and happy, it was such a shame it only lasted and hour of so, as Claire had to go out, and I had to get my brother. Before I went to bed I had a bit of a 'discussion' with mum about uni stuff, meaning I didn't really sleep very well. In the morning after getting ready to go to school I decided it would be better for everyone if I took a day of. So I got up late, helped in my room and finished my history essay. Friday was when everything got better, Claire was still feeling ill so wasn't in school, but she picked me up at lunch and we headed home. It was such a fantastic evening as I said in my last post.

Saturday was also equally great, I persuaded Claire she was to I'll for work and she was! so she took a day off!! This meant I got to spend a whole day with her since the summer holidays!!! In the morning my uncle came up to do the electrics in my room which I helped with, after he left we headed to town to get some bits for my mums birthday present. We got back and started our project, it involved a lot of maths which confused our little heads but once we sorted it out it was fine. Before I carry on I'll tell you what we actually made mum for her birthday, we painted a canvas to go in the living room when its all finished and I think it's going to look awesome! Claire stayed over again last night which was really nice, she sorta had to as we didn't finish the painting till 23.30!

Sadly this morning, I had to again leave my baby huddled up in a nice warm bed while I headed of to play rugby for cadets! I had to be in bury for 7.30 after picking up Will and Andy, so I finally crawled out of bed at 6.53! As you can imagine I wasn't best pleased! Rugby was ok apart from the 4 hours I spent on the coach today and the fact that we lost all our matches, but hey we had fun! Right!? I got home about 18.30, nearly 12 hours after I woke up! I was hoping to go to the BP garage and get some cash then head over to see Claire and her new CD player she had fitted in her car, but she's busy doing stuff, so I'm going to sit in and do... Homework I guess, YAY! (sarcastically)

There we go all up to date... How sad you must be to read all of this!
(end 19.52, 9/10/05)


Anonymous Anonymous talked to Frank...


7:11 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous talked to Frank...

I have a comment,
what is your problem with me atm?
what have i done?i havent done anything...

9:19 am  

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