No I haven’t totally given up blogging, no I haven’t been on holiday and no I haven’t been in hospital. I have just been damn busy (honestly). I've been on the go pretty much since my last post. The 8th and 9th was this years Thurston Prom and Air Fair which kept me busy Thursday evening Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Monday then saw my first official working day at Thorpe! It was a great week to start with, great kids, and great staff. I really enjoyed myself even if I was up at 7.00 every morning and in bed at 1.00 every night. In between working I have seen Claire occasionally and been doing jobs around the house.

Tuesday just gone saw Me, Marc, JJ, Iain and Will heading up to Norwich for the Lost Prophets gig which was immense, even if I did me large parts of it painting the UEA toilets with Bright red, cherry scented vomit! Which would have never happened had I not broken JJ's car (which I didn't break) and got my pizza before the gig. Anyway, the night was brilliant a good laugh as ever with my best mates.
After a strange night at mine after climbing; involving Claire getting wankered while everyone else was still sober and the usual post-climbing games coming to an awkward end, we all headed to Thorpe to meet Tim and Dick to head to Extreme (crossed arm actions!) Adventure for our Staff's 'Team Day' paid for by Suffolk county council. Everything there put our activities at Thorpe to shame. There cows tails course was easily 4 times longer and twice as high, with far more interesting and challenging obstacles. There big swing was just awesome, and the 85ft high leap of faith and thousand foot zip line were non-comparable to our trapeze and zip line. It was a great day out, enjoyed by all, eventually (Well done Dick you took the handbrake off...)

There we go a quick catch up... I'll try and start to write more interesting things in the future...