Sunday, October 12, 2008

I don't like to have the rain on my shoes...

Well bugger me I'm going to be 21 in 3 days time! Can you believe that?! I can't, 21.... and as my mum so nicely put it, its only 9 years until you're 30. Cheers! haha.

So where have i been, whats been going on? Well i had blogged many many times about things that have occurred in the past year, but for the need to move on they've all been removed.
So what has happened in the last year, the last 12 months... A hell of a lot i guess.
I've been to Austria and had one the most best and worst weeks of my life, I broke up with one girlfriend to find myself another one :-). We've had nice days visiting London, aquariums and Zoos. I've passed all of my exams (just), i've been to the Alps and had one of the best adventures of my life! I've had another great summer working at Thorpe, I've seen the new center be built and can't wait for my 5th season to start. I've celebrated birthdays of old friends, we've had BBQ's, nights in, nights out and days at the beach. I've been to Sardinia with great mates to make a week of great memory's. I've started my 3rd year and planning to do another one

and in 3 days time I'm going to turn 21... Grow up? Who knows?


Anonymous Anonymous talked to Frank...

...I just thought that turning 21 might be something you return to your old blog to reflect on... i was right! A good year... i just realised i wasn't there... something we must amend, starting this weekend!!!

2:14 pm  

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