Sunday, May 28, 2006

I'm learning just learning...

After getting home, quickly sorting my room out and scoffing some food down my neck, I was in the car with Marc on my way to pick Emma, who sadly had changed out of her Xena warrior princess costume! We spent a couple of hours at the Cragg before calling it a very early night and headed back to mine for a proper end-of-school celebration, and what a way to end it!
We watched the Butterfly Effect to start with. Finally! Having told Emma every week for god knows how long she had to come see it. It was worth the wait to watch her sit through it moving closer and closer to the screen, she was wetting herself with excitement. Very funny to see. I think we had all drunk 3 or 4 cans of larger by the end of the film, so the music came on and the cards came out. Before the first game had even finished the vodka was produced and we were all swigging every time we picked up a card. So as you can imagine we we're all pretty drunk, and a bit of advice to you is don't give Emma M&M's whens she's drunk, you'll be finding them in random places for weeks to come!, to explain Em was trying to catch M&M's in her mouth after chucking them in the air, which I don't think she can even do sober and when Marc joined in it was M&M chaos.

Emma had to work the following morning and me and Marc were instructing a cadet Thorpe woodlands camp, so we were all up by half seven. Not fun I can tell you!

Great mates, great night!

Who's gonna catch me when I'm coming down...

Right well schools now officially ended, only have to return for exams. That’s quite a nice feeling, and if this weekend is anything to go by the summer is going to be a damn good one.
The last day of school was pretty cool. It was yet another fancy dress day, and it was good to see some different people putting in some effort for the last day (me not included) even Claire came as Tigger. The first part of the morning was spent taking lots of photographs and sitting in the auditorium watching the rehearsals for the 'leavers assemble'. We had Chemistry middle two, and we after some um'ing and er'ing we headed over to the 61. There were only a handful of us, me Claire, Lauren, Tank, Sadie, Ollie Browny and Daz, it was a laugh if that’s allowed in a chemistry lab... Lots of joking and warnings handed out, plus the free food at the end rounded of the lesson nicely. I think just about every teacher I’ve had has fed us this week. I'm guessing it's so when we look back we can go 'Aw she/he was really nice'. We had a relatively quiet lunch time; it was pissing down with rain so the lot of us just found a class room to waste time in. Then came the best part of school, the Leavers Assembly. It was pretty damn cool, the bands were all very good, Tom is Buff!, drool! And Ashleigh was awesome! love ya hun! However Vicky really dragged down the high quality, one person I won't miss from that place! I think that leads nicely into Dom’s speech, Dom is now a god, any man brave enough to stand up on a stage and call a teacher a bitch and Revel a cunt has got some balls! Even if they are hugely swollen and disfigured;-) I've never heard laughter like that, maybe he is on the road to comedic genius! Well done Dom!

The student awards were pretty crappy, just for the 'in crowd', but I was amazed to get a proper award. The 'Head of Sixth Form Award', for being plain, boring and average! Getting my work done attending lesson and for my brilliant interview at Sheffield. That made me smile, and I smiled even more to find out that I had been the up for the History prize. Claire won the Textiles prize as well so we both didn't leave 6th Form completely anonymously. It was back to 6th form for the usual coffee and donuts and the good bys and thank you's. It was a bizarre feeling, knowing you'd never be singing all those people in the same context, sure we've got exams and the leavers party, but we won't be at school together any more, and after 13 years of being at school its a strange feeling. After shaking teachers hands, grabbing some hugs and saying 'see you Wednesday' I made my way to the bus, sun shining, and a massive beaming smile on my face. Walking into Zena Worrier Princess (lil' Em) and persuading her she was coming out with us that night made things even better. After getting home, I was like a little school kid, telling my mum all about my day. I'd not felt like that for a very long time!

And that was my last day at Sixth From,
Frank Carn-Pryor, aged 18 and 1/2!

All the pictures I took on Friday are on my MSNspace, if anyone would like originals send me and email or something.
Last Day of 6th Form

Thursday, May 25, 2006

There's only one way of life, and that's your own...

My blog seems to be sliding from an online diary to a photo album. Its so much easier to post a picture than write some thing worth reading. (Not that anything I write is interesting)
I never finished writing that garb... Its the penultimate day of school and after my last ever chemistry practical at Thurston, I let everyone get there hands on it and scribble their memorable notes for me to read in the distant future. Em came home with me on the bus which was different, and spent the whole journey writing a really sweet [long, poorly spelt ;-)] message on my lab coat, to add the comedy penis and random blurbs.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Can you see it now...

Revision time... I think this is a pretty common scene in most teenagers bedroom throughout the country. It's nearly summer guys!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Forever we'll be...

Tonight I shan't write much, I've been semi-revising all day. I just want to leave you with Claires latest post that I can't help but smile every time I read it.

"Under the cover of low light and love"

"Our Secret"

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Don't know where he's going...

It's 12.12 and I'm sitting on my bed eating breakfast. I have to first apologize to my adoring fans for not blogging properly for 2 weeks! Several times I've sat down to write something, I've written titles and not got much further. I can't really say why, normally its in the evening I find time to blog but by that point in to shattered to concentrate. I've been abnormally tired lately, I've been unable to get to sleep even though I can't keep my eyes open, it's very odd. And because of school, relatives, girlfriends and courses I haven't had a lyein for what seems an age. Hence the reason I only crawled out of bed about 45 minutes ago.
I feel quite refreshed, but not quite refreshed enough to go and start my dreaded revision. My first exam is on Tuesday, followed buy one Wednesday and Thursday, thankfully they are only practicals so not quite as much to revise for... Well that's my theory.
what's happened in the past two weeks? Well I've had my high ropes assessment which I and everyone else passed meaning that we're now all qualified to work this summer! Bring it on! Me and Dick also had our first aid courses last week so me and him are now finally qualified mountain bike leaders. What else has happened... not too much really, well not that I can think of right now.

Right I'm off to get some work done.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

danger illustrated...

Well what an...'eventful' ... day

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Dappled shade...

Well the weather was awesome today. You really felt like it was summer.
Apathetic still, and exams are right around the corner, does anyone have any ideas to get me snap out of this? I was browsing my picture files for the year book and found this picture of Claire, its quite old but it captures something I don't see to often...
I've not got much else to say... Hmmm...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Thinking about letters, lights and tramps...

Things are very complicated at the moment, and for that reason I've quite enjoyed tonight. It's been fairly mundane; I came home with Claire from school after getting an ice cream and a scratch card. Neither were worth the money paid for them but both provided a small amount of entertainment. Claire left and I just lay on my bed chatting to a few lucky people online until my mother turned up. Amazingly she'd been shopping, at Tesco's!!, so I helped put the shopping away, which is something I've done since I was a little kid, but find it sort of fulfilling not a chore, strange. She then roped me into washing our now very battered car, and once the thick layer of dirt was washed away the numerous scratches and dents were clearly visible. Luckily only a handful are mine the rest are mums! I cooked dinner while mum cleaned the inside of the car and what a fantastic meal it was, even if I say so myself! After that I just veg'ed out on the sofa doing not much. Not really worried about school, or uni or girls. Over the past few days I've been talking to a variety of people about my future, in the short and long term. I'm very confused about everything, and as far as school work goes i'm feeling very apathetic. I can't be doing with anything a the moment. I just want the summer to come and I can go to work and have a good time in the sun!