Sunday, May 28, 2006

I'm learning just learning...

After getting home, quickly sorting my room out and scoffing some food down my neck, I was in the car with Marc on my way to pick Emma, who sadly had changed out of her Xena warrior princess costume! We spent a couple of hours at the Cragg before calling it a very early night and headed back to mine for a proper end-of-school celebration, and what a way to end it!
We watched the Butterfly Effect to start with. Finally! Having told Emma every week for god knows how long she had to come see it. It was worth the wait to watch her sit through it moving closer and closer to the screen, she was wetting herself with excitement. Very funny to see. I think we had all drunk 3 or 4 cans of larger by the end of the film, so the music came on and the cards came out. Before the first game had even finished the vodka was produced and we were all swigging every time we picked up a card. So as you can imagine we we're all pretty drunk, and a bit of advice to you is don't give Emma M&M's whens she's drunk, you'll be finding them in random places for weeks to come!, to explain Em was trying to catch M&M's in her mouth after chucking them in the air, which I don't think she can even do sober and when Marc joined in it was M&M chaos.

Emma had to work the following morning and me and Marc were instructing a cadet Thorpe woodlands camp, so we were all up by half seven. Not fun I can tell you!

Great mates, great night!


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