Monday, February 13, 2006

And when you find it you'll keep it ...

Right well Alex has asked me, actually told me, actually forced me, held me down and hit me with various blunt instruments, to blog! I'm just watching the last few minutes of the great film 'Green Mile', probably not the best thing to watch if you want to write an up beat, feel good post... and I'm not going to try.
Its early in the morning and I've got plenty of things I need sleep for. One being the severe hyperthermia I gained while canoing in the miserable rain today, the other is for the numorous university interviews I have coming up very shortly, the first being on Tuesday the 14th, valentines day. I didn't realize the significance of the 14th when I got the interview date, but Claire and mum soon reminded me. Its probably because I've never had anyone to think about on valentines day before, every year it slipped past me as a uninteresting mundane day. I'll read my post from last February 14th now and just see how different life is.

Night time I guess...


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