Saturday, January 21, 2006

I want to lift myself above the clouds...

I begrudgingly had to take the dog for a walk this morning, having gone to bed at 1.30 and not fallen asleep till at least 2.00, 8.30 seemed extraordinarily early for a Saturday. Getting out he house early in the morning allways makes me feel a bit more lively, and its a really nice day so I couldn't really complain. As I walked her up the road I had an urge to walk up a farm track, and in 18 years of living in troston I'd never ventured more than a few meters up it believing it was no longer than a 100 meters. But I was wrong, I followed this path for about a mile and a quarter, only turning back for home when I realized I'd dropped the lead from my back pocket. Being such a nice day I brought my camera along for the trip, got a few snaps nothing very special though.

My plans for today, other than eventually having a shower and going to Nan's for lunch, are listening to loud music and revising for Mondays Chemistry exam. I'm feeling slightly better about exams, having sat my penultimate one yesterday, Mondays is my last exam till February so at least I have a month off. I think I'm feeling generally better in myself because I totally relaxed last night, I did nothing! Just watched TV, chatted on the net, and shot the crap out of some Germans on Medal of Honor. Tonight Claire should be coming over about 6.30 and I'm supposed to be cooking dinner, I've been left to look after the house while mums at grandpa's and james at his dads, so I hope theres some easy to cook/edible food floating around. I would have liked to have gone to Wales with mum, because on Wednesday Grandpa had a stroke. This is just another thing on my mind, its sort of a sign to say no one lasts for ever, but bloody exams are stopping me.

I've had several interview offers from universities this week, but again I'm unsure whether I'm making the right choices with my life, but I guess I'll see how the interviews go and see what happens. It's all stress at the moment so I'm looking forward to tonight though so I can relax and hopefully have a special evening in, to get my mind of everything.


Anonymous Anonymous talked to Frank...

hi frank
Iain here

my grandad had a stroke 6/7 years ago just say that miracles can happen, he had the stroke, but with the right care and attention, he will be the saem way, trust me, my grandad may had a stroke, and his speech inpaired,but you could always tell when he was angry or happy bout something. Also you were able to talk to him.

He will pull through, ny grandad did, but died last november of ill health, but yours will keep talkin and be angry at something, he be the same.


4:11 pm  

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