Saturday, December 10, 2005

Nothing that makes sense ever works out...

Today, a quiet Saturday, and a boring Saturday. Today was the first chance I've had to have a lye in for weeks, and I made the most of it, not dragging my sorry arse out of bed until well after 11:00. I turned the TV on to watch while I ate breakfast thismorning and it hasn't been of all day. I've had school work to do, I've even looked at it, I just can't get myself to do it. I've sat on the net and just watched the box all day.
It was the cadet party last night and it was pretty dire! With no more than 30 people there and average age of 14. You can see the huge problem there was, however after a few classic cadet song the seniors became a bit more enthused and the evening dragged a little less slowly.

This week has been a hectic and stressful one. I finally made a decision on university and sent of my UCAS stuff. I'm still really unsure weather I've made the right choice... Oh well it'll bee this time next year before I find out I guess. I haven't seen much of Claire this week, we went Climbing Tuesday which was a good laugh, but I haven't been able to spend a night with her, which I would have liked as it been such a crappy week.
Oh dear here we go 'moo moo moo' and 'mang mang mang'.

I'll stop talking... 'Good' I can hear Saggers saying!


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