The last few days have been a bit up and down, not just on my part. Claire was really down tuesday morning,partly due to me i guess. So after Chemistry, instead of going to work she came home with me to have some fun and relax. We decided to do some cooking and snuggle infront of the fire. We took a long walk with Gilly dog up mto the Jackdoor to get some lunch and ingredients. We got back and after lunch and snuggling infrount of the fire, we moved into the kitching to start cooking, and put in the pie that we'd made before our walk into the oven. It wasn't bad considering the ingridents cumunitivly were 3 years out of date!

We then moved onto the main objective, a giant grass-mere cake, we were half way through making it and having a really good time when claires mum phones. Not concerned with why she hadn't been at work and that she was with me cause she needed seriously cheering up, just to tell her to go home that instaance and see her, and not to bring me, even though we were suposed to be going baby sitting together. She then really really upset claire and acting like a child hung up on her. So i had to let claire go home in tears just like she had been in the morning. I arrived at claires a few hours later to go baby sitting, worried about the state claire would be when i got there i was relieved to see her with a smile on her face, even if just a small one.
Baby sitting was alright Osca was a bit more of a handful than usual but it was an ok evening, and afterwards we headed to mine for a well earned snuggle and sleep.
Wednesday was good, in the most, school went slowly with a very geeky but quite good fun four-way on Medal of Honour. After school I headed into town with Claire to hand my CRB form in, which was surprisinly easier than i thought it would be, i still wonder wether they should have passed marc's. We then went to the holy grail of reasonably priced clothing, that is Matalan, in search of some shorts for Claire to go climbing in. Instead she brought a pair of trackies, a top and we got to free mugs! Bargin! Tea was planned to be at Claires house and we managed to have it before we had to leave for climbing with very little hassel. That came when we thought that a very tired, 19 year old girl shouldn't be driving round the country on her own at midnight. You'd have thought a mother would realise the implications of this, but no, because Claire won't sleep well with me, it would be more 'practical' to make her drive 15 minutes out her way then another 15 min in the middle of night... Go figure...

Anyway, besides that little episode the rest of the night was really quite good, my hands knew I'd been climbing for 3 hours by the end of the evening. Having not been for about a month and a half my hands were as sublte as a baby's back side, and i can tell you they don't like being rubbed the wrong way! So by 10.30 my hands were cut, scratched, blistered and bleeding, well a sport isn't sport if it dosn't make you bleed! The ritual stop in the bar followed, but with a slightly more tonned down vonversation than normal as Joe was there, who shot off very quickly when we left. I eventually got home at about 12.10 and Claire almost asleep was forced to drive back home again...