Sunday, June 04, 2006

You're working now - forced to the race...

It’s happened again... I have this very large inability to revise. I was up, fed, showered and clothed by 10.00 this morning. I set my printer to work preparing about 500 pages of past papers and that’s about as far as my revision got today. My Uncle and Sue (not aunt even though they are married) stayed here last night so I spent a good hour chatting to them while sitting in the garden about my 'troubled' brother and my future (ironically). They left for home and I returned upstairs to refill my printer with a further 250 pieces of paper to finish the enormous task it appears I had set it. After some 'pottering', that is now the slang term for putting of my education, I decided that the sun was too nice to waste and I headed out with the dog, not before grabbing a copy of Chemistry 1 to read on the way. And I read it, a whole chapter on buffers and pH's. Amazing! I got in printed the last couple of pages and made myself some lunch. Sat on my bed and not done much else, I’ve eaten nearly a whole packet of chocolate digestives though and I must be a fair way through the 7 albums of The Leverllers I set in my play list at 10 this morning. Does any of that count towards an A level?

Shit out! right I’m going to make a coffee and continue making notes.


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