Never guess...
One of the most interesting and entertaining parts or our evening last night was shared with many people today, who were unfortunately sitting with in the canteen in range of claires overly excited voice. We had a slight online shopping spree last night after finding a brilliant site with just about everything you could wish for. It started of as a childish search for a certain sex toy that we'd seen, but after plenty of giggling we decide what we wanted, but before buying we had a quick snout through some other products... In the end we settled for what looks like a very kinky toy and our original one as a freebee! We both can't wait until they arrive, should create lots and lots of fun and exciting bedtimes!
u and gf bloody loud!!! tell whole school
keep sex lifes bit more quite please, i would like to do some work, haha
see u later mate
yeah, hope u have fun frank! I checked out the website link, as u told me i should....nothing that great to be honest! either not worth getting coz there's better, or already got it! the rest is just tacky! but I'm sure u'll have fun, I don't really need that shit, only on occassions to surprise Jim! lol ;)
Ps I worked out the thing u wanted to originally buy, due to being told the price and the fact that it was free wen u spent over £30. t-h-a-n-x. love it.
Yeh royally! might have to send something back. Kat i don't believe you, its just fun to experiment, LOTS!
yeah! I experiment! u just don't always need to spend loads of money on crap stuff! Use ur imagination a bit, come on frank. I'm gunna be getting some fun presents wen Jim's back, *might* let u know how it goes!!!! Woooooo!
Hell Kat we experiment, alot! Toys just add a little bit of fun or do something a lil differnent. Maybe we should compare notes. They are certainly not usual toys...
Sometimes experimental fun needs a little extra something which neither of us can manage....
wow things are getting heated! Chill out guys! I don't really want to know wot u guys do, I'm sure I can imagine... I have a good imagination, trust me! I can manage the things I need to, I agree on experimental fun needing a little something extra sometimes, I'm all for it...but I can manage!
lol, poor sarah. i love to make you cringe!
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