Tuesday, December 27, 2005

It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife...

Isn't the snow great!? Maybe not for those who had to drive to work in it, but but for the rest of us... stuck snuggled up in bed with our partners it was great! We did venture out from under the duvette, to eat pancakes in front of warm log fire. After spending some time revising and chasing a certain cat around we headed out into the cold for a winter around Troston, it gave me a great chance play with my camera!

It's more than just words...

Candles, wine, presents, games... Great sex... Good night!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Troubled eyes...

Yeah so happy Christmas... Well today couldn't have felt any more plain and average. There were trees, presents and family but it was just... well, rubbish! I know as you get older you loose that Xmas excitement, but there has to be something more to look forward to than the baby in the family falling on his arse or mum opening the toaster you got her!? I had been looking forward to seeing my girlfriend open up her presents but that wasn't to be.

Well what more is there to say really, I'm again for god know how many years running sitting in my room, on the internet at a stupid time in the evening, still sober and not particularly happy.

Oh well, I'm sure everyone else had good a Christmas.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

The patchwork girl has come to cinch the deal...

Well its been a few days since I've blogged, and it was the Christmas Ball Tuesday so I reckon that merits using a bit of the this big wide web to tell everyone how cool it was...

This week also saw the marridge of my uncle which was one of those fantastically stereotypical family reunions...

And not forgetting the day that's on everyone's lips, 'Christmas' which apparently is tomorrow...

Happy Christmas All

Frankybaby.blogspot.com is a year old today! Wow, that shows commitment, or how sad I am!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Nothing that makes sense ever works out...

Today, a quiet Saturday, and a boring Saturday. Today was the first chance I've had to have a lye in for weeks, and I made the most of it, not dragging my sorry arse out of bed until well after 11:00. I turned the TV on to watch while I ate breakfast thismorning and it hasn't been of all day. I've had school work to do, I've even looked at it, I just can't get myself to do it. I've sat on the net and just watched the box all day.
It was the cadet party last night and it was pretty dire! With no more than 30 people there and average age of 14. You can see the huge problem there was, however after a few classic cadet song the seniors became a bit more enthused and the evening dragged a little less slowly.

This week has been a hectic and stressful one. I finally made a decision on university and sent of my UCAS stuff. I'm still really unsure weather I've made the right choice... Oh well it'll bee this time next year before I find out I guess. I haven't seen much of Claire this week, we went Climbing Tuesday which was a good laugh, but I haven't been able to spend a night with her, which I would have liked as it been such a crappy week.
Oh dear here we go 'moo moo moo' and 'mang mang mang'.

I'll stop talking... 'Good' I can hear Saggers saying!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Stary nights, city of lights...

Over the past few days and weeks, sex has been creeping into conversations more and more, not in the childish way as normal teenage talk but in a... acctually bollocks to that we teenagers can only be childish about sex... However i've noticed a vast diffence betwen our (mine and Claires) veiws on sex and most other people. Most people seem to be very resevered and seem embaressed to talk about it. Claire on the otherhand, has no problem telling people all the fantastic detail of our relationships, enogh for me to be able to sit with a group of people why they discuss my sex life with no input from me. As a couple we're very liberal and like to try everything, you can't be to seriuos about it and it always makes us laugh to find people to talk about what they do with there partners...