Fuck you who ever you may be, we are the lads from 863...
"Is this the same Frank?" A question i was just asked and after this evening, looking back i have to say no, no I'm not the same Frank... Tonight is my last night as a cadet, I'm hanging up my uniform and handing my stripes in, Instructor Cadet Senior Sergent C-P is now just Frank... 4 years and 8 months ago i joined 863 Thurston squadron as a quite, shy, reserved 15 year old. I'm leaving as a bold, friendly young man (or in my eyes anyway). I've changed so much, matured, made fantastic friends, picked up so many skills, had so many experiences, lived my life... Now, at least for the time being, I'm saying good bye to all that. I want to stay a part of Thurston and of cadets in general, I want to become a CI and keep my hand in, but i know nothing will compare to standing in front of that squadron of cadets, your friends, your allies and say "officer on parade, dismiss!"
Best time of my life... Thanks guys...
Best time of my life... Thanks guys...

May you paddle through life
with the wind at your back
and your friends by your side,
'Here's to adventure'