Thursday, February 01, 2007

I wake up it's a bad dream...

I've just got in from a revision session with Rach, it went quite well and if we're lucky we might even pass the bloody exam tomorrow. Having been revising almost solidly for the past two weeks I've had enough of it, I've lost all motivation and just want to finish. To rub in the fact that i still have to revise, the whole flat have gone out tonight and left the kitchen strewn with empty bottles, cans and puddles of alcohol everywhere. (Just great.) To cap it all off, i opened the only letter I've received since i arrived to find an 'Official Warning' from the stupid c***'s at the TV licencing agency.

On an up beat note by 11.00am tomorrow i will have finished all my exams for about 4 months. We have a great party planned for that evening and I've also planned to go walking with High Peak Saturday and finally take my boulder mat out Sunday. Bring on the Fresh air!


Blogger Christina S talked to Frank...

Yay! Glad the exams are over.

You have a bouldering mat? Mr Ruby will be most excited. He also climbs, but in Suffolk has to content himself to a trip to the Stowmarket climbing wall every Sun and Thurs. There was some bridge Cambridge way that he used to climb up at one point as well. But you're near excellent climbing country up Sheffield way - enjoy!

9:14 am  
Blogger Frank.Carn talked to Frank...

I must have seen him at some point then, i used to visit the Cragg everyweek, and over christmas i was in there alot as well. I wonder who he is? does he, or the pair of you get to the peak district often?

4:47 pm  
Blogger Christina S talked to Frank...

There's a couple of pics of him on the UK Climbing site, I think, if you're a member of that.
Go to "photos" and search for "Pali" under "climbers" He knows a lot of people from Stowmarket, so he could well know you.

I'm originally from the North and we go back to York a lot, so he gets to climb a lot around that area, and just outside Leeds as well where there are a couple of crags he likes. Sometimes he goes to the Peaks, with a friend of his. I don't climb - I take a pic-nic and watch !!

6:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous talked to Frank...

In future please capitalise your I's, in order to keep us grammar sticklers in good spirits.

10:53 pm  

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