Well my wonderful blog is two years old, for two years excerps of my exceptionally dull and depressing life have been dropped into the abyss of the internet. The passed months have seen a decline in my blogging, not that anyone is really interested, hopefully I'll get back into it as I find it useful. It's great for remembering all those little but brilliant things you have done in your life, and its great just reminiscing in the past, of happier, or just warmer times.
It is now officially Christmas day, it doesn't feel like it but I stick with the post I made last year, I am getting too old for Christmas.
Well last night was a damn good night out. It started when Will and Marc turned up at mine and the drink started to flow, after a few shots and a few cans we were on our way to the cadet party, wooo! It wasn't promising anything special so we couldn't be disappointed, the alcohol kept coming, along with a pile of mince pies and some classics cadets tunes. Marc's drunken stupor was as ever very comic resulting in at least one smashed pint glass. (bravo Marcus) Claire turned up half way through the night and as soon as we could we were out the gate, after tidying up and reversing into an old blokes car, on our way to Bury.
Let it snow...
After finally getting hold Wheeler into the car we headed to Brazilias, a place I had until last night never been to. As soon as we we're in the door we were bumping into all the ex Thurston cronies as well as old cadets and even people who disappeared of the radar several years ago. The drink kept flowing and there was even a flurry of snow just to make an all round brilliant night out with best friends and old friends!
I'm amazed this picture has at this time been viewed a whopping 555 times! My most popular by far. That's a record I'll doubt I'll beat. Cheers everyone!
I'm the king of all time and nothing is impossible In my all powerful mind...
Well Thursday was, for me, one of the best nights I've had out for a while! Me and Claire brought our Levellers tickets back in September and finally we were at the gig. The only problem with going out Thursday was the essay deadline I had Friday morning, But "No worries, that's why god invented coffee!?" We were both very excited by the time we arrived at the Octogon, once inside we got ourselves our overly priced drinks and had just enough time for me to have a phone call with Emma before the support band came on. It was great to have a quick chat with her, took me home for a little bit, and gave me a change to make her jealous again. It also got me invited to another Levellers gig in 2 weeks time! (yay!) So after talking to Emma we made our way to the front of the stage for the support band the 3 Daft Monkeys (not 3 demented cats Claire!) and they were pretty good, very funky folk music. Then it was time for the Levellers themselves and they were awesome to say the least, playing all the classics and my favorites, they were just amazing . I lost my voice and hearing by the end of the night, I couldn't have asked for more! The fiddle off finale was pretty incredible and totally made up for the one song I love that they didn't play, 'Julie'... After such an amazing few hours I had the worst downer ever, 3 hours of essay to write, but even that didn't ruin such a great night out. Can't wait till December 16th now!
This will be where Frank goes on for a while about something that's on his
mind, but in reality what he should really be doing is putting it into the main content and body of his online journal.
At the moment, he hasn't really had enough ribena to facilitate any significant thought, so for the while he'll leave
this section how it is until his supplement of toothkind has been administered..................... I don't like ribena?!
Always take a sleeping bag.
Don't listen to depressing music when your feeling low!
Girls think too much.
I've discovered Athlete.
My back hurts.
Everyones ill this week!
I'm very tired!
I'm lonely!
It's amazing the fun stored in a plastic lemon!
Cold Foster!
MSN is broken again!
Im ill.
I'm getting iller!
Fuck Yeah the Shackleton Award is ours!
Thank God, a holiday!
So nice for her to touch and kiss me.
Strange where a massage leads...
Was the rise of the witchcraft craze in the 17th century due to religious reasons?
Theres nothing going on!
Ok maybe there is something going on now! Can't wait to see her! I want to hug, and never let go...
Im tired but happy!
I can't wait to see her!
Some nights i stay awake because i don't want to stop seeing her...
Wales fucking rocked!
I love Claire!
Four great days!
I know who my friends are!
Glow sticks go in a lot easier than they come out!
V rocked!
Can I have what I want!?
Grr profile!
Tired! Missed Claire... Hot!
Sigh... Jesus Marc you could have killed that mother and child!
I'm worried... To cuddle, to kiss, to smile... The purple blobs growing!
I'm so so sorry Claire!
HeHe Boobies! 2 Jackie! ;-) Stressed!
Something so simple can be so hurtfull!
I'm shattered!
Tuesday was so quite... a sad day.
Fine arse!
Angry! Hurt! Why don't you see it from my point of veiw?
Let down... christmas... Snow! Revision, miserey!
1 exam left, Sunshine... Too many questions. Bad ears. Bastard dog!
Knobbing cold! Too much vom i think! Distraction, Neglected...
Its sunny! DofE rocked!, Can't wait for Thursday!... A year, fuck me!
Summer is here!? Tired, Kisses! Happy, Dazed, can't concentrate, positive, Red puke! Sweat, BCC, Hugs,
Confusion, Stress, Missing? The end? Mr Brightside, At uni! I miss big skies... Christmas again!? 2007,
GNAS rocked! Revision blows, Only child... Exams. Passed, comedy, truth?!, pancakes, home time?
A moment to think...
things were so much better when we were young'uns
There isn't always another day...
Its easier to walk to stopped glider, than run away from moving one...
'The real truth of the matter is it hasn't been more than two or three years since we were playing with toys in the same room we make out in.'
Broaden your horizens, lower your standards...
You've reached enlightenment when you've learnt to play the chello...