Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Give me heart and give me soul...

Well I’ve been asked to blog, so here we go...

I finished my last exam around 11.30 yesterday, finally signaling the end of my A levels and time at Thurston. To celebrate, me Olly and Claire went for a meal at the Norton Dog. Not before saving Lauren's arse from the rampage of her dad by jumping her car, because the muppet left her lights on during the morning exams. So after earning some 'man points' we made our way for a fantastic meal at the Dog. The rest of the afternoon was just left for relaxing, watching a film and not too much else. In the evening I made my way to cadets for the first time in about 2 months, thankfully it was a lazy night, staff versus cadets cricket match and BBQ. We headed down the pub after only for one however. After my exam I was up for getting very very drunk, but when it came to it I just couldn't be arsed. I'm going to have to have a decent party to celebrate get drunk and just play around like we normally do :-)

Today has been great, even though I was working my arse of for about 9 hours and with my dad here all day. It was nice to be able to work with my hands and not my mind for a change, to be outside being active and not cooped up in my room revising. I'm becoming quite the D.I.Y'er, as I said to my mum, 'If university falls through I can always go into building!'


Blogger aninnocentlife talked to Frank...

oh my, what a big drill you have ;)

9:38 am  

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